Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity today. To limit global warming to 1.5°C, we need to not only reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, but also remove the excess CO₂ that we have already emitted into the atmosphere. That’s where Charm comes in.

Charm is a carbon removal company that uses plants to capture CO₂ from the air and then converts it into a stable, carbon-rich liquid that can be stored permanently underground. This process mimics the natural carbon cycle, but accelerates it by thousands of years.

Charm’s technology is based on two key steps: biomass collection and fast pyrolysis.

Biomass is the organic matter that plants produce through photosynthesis, such as leaves, stems, and branches. Biomass already captures more than 100 gigatons of CO₂ per year from the atmosphere. Charm collects biomass from various sources, such as agricultural residues, forestry wastes, and dedicated energy crops.

Fast pyrolysis is a process that breaks down biomass into bio-oil, a liquid that contains about 70% of the carbon in the original biomass. Bio-oil has a low energy content and is not suitable for fuel or chemical production. However, it is ideal for carbon storage, because it is dense, stable, and easy to transport.

Charm’s technology is scalable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. It can remove CO₂ from any location, regardless of the source or concentration. It can also create jobs and income for rural communities, while enhancing biodiversity and soil health. Charm’s goal is to remove 1 gigaton of CO₂ per year by 2030, which would make it the largest carbon removal company in the world.

How much CO₂ can Charm remove per year and how does it compare to other carbon removal methods?

Charm is a game-changer in the fight against climate change. It taps into plants’ natural carbon-capturing abilities and employs fast pyrolysis to convert plant material into stable bio-oil. This bio-oil is then securely stored underground, taking a substantial amount of CO₂ out of the atmosphere. While the exact numbers may vary, Charm’s approach is a significant contributor to carbon removal efforts, helping combat climate change effectively.

Compared to other methods like afforestation and reforestation, Charm shines as a fast-growing and promising technology. It stands out by offering a permanent solution to carbon storage and being highly efficient and scalable. By merging nature and technology, Charm provides an innovative way to address the colossal challenge of reducing CO₂ levels in the atmosphere, offering hope for a greener, healthier planet for generations to come.

If you want to learn more about how Charm is putting oil back underground to remove CO₂, you can visit their website. You can also support their mission by becoming a customer, partner, or investor.

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