Softrams is a digital services firm that specializes in human centered design, artificial intelligence, cloud, devops, and cyber security. The company works with various industries, such as health, education, transportation, and defense, to craft empowering digital solutions that meet the needs of their clients and users.

One of the key features of Softrams is the App Foundry, a research lab and innovation hub where ideas come to life. The App Foundry is a dynamic collaboration space where customers can walk in with a challenge and walk away with a practical, human centered solution. The App Foundry team uses cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to create prototypes, test assumptions, and validate outcomes.

But Softrams is not only about delivering digital services. It is also about mentoring and nurturing the next generation of talent in UX, DevOps, AI, and Cyber Security. Softrams offers various programs and workshops to introduce computer science to kids, train young adults for job readiness, and help professionals advance their careers. Softrams believes that by sharing its knowledge and experience, it can build a stronger and more diverse community of digital innovators.

How does the App Foundry help customers with their digital challenges?

The App Foundry is a research lab and innovation hub where customers can collaborate with the Softrams team to create human centered digital solutions. The App Foundry helps customers with their digital challenges by offering the following services:

  • Prototyping: The App Foundry can quickly build and test prototypes of digital products, such as websites, apps, dashboards, and more. The App Foundry uses agile and lean methodologies to iterate and improve the prototypes based on customer feedback and user testing.
  • Data and Analytics: The App Foundry can help customers leverage data and analytics to gain insights and make informed decisions. The App Foundry can collect, process, visualize, and analyze data from various sources, such as sensors, surveys, social media, and more. The App Foundry can also apply artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to enhance data analysis and generate predictions and recommendations.

If you are interested in learning more about Softrams and its services, you can visit their website. You can also contact them to schedule a visit to the App Foundry and see how they can help you with your digital challenges.

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