If you are looking for a way to improve the security skills of your developers, whether they are in-house or outsourced, you might want to check out Secure Code Warrior. It is an innovative platform that will change how companies identify, use and train security talent in their development communities. In this blog post, we will explain what Secure Code Warrior is, how it works, and why you should use it.

What is Secure Code Warrior?

Secure Code Warrior is a platform that allows an organisation to measure, benchmark and improve secure coding skills of both in­house and outsourced developers. It uses game­based coding challenges to assess the developers in their preferred coding language, provides positive reinforcement to keep them engaged, and creates healthy competition between developers and teams to foster a security culture.

How does Secure Code Warrior work?

Secure Code Warrior works by presenting developers with realistic scenarios of vulnerable code snippets in their chosen programming language. The developers have to identify and fix the security flaws in the code, while earning points and badges for their performance. The platform also provides feedback and hints to help the developers learn from their mistakes and improve their skills.

Secure Code Warrior covers a wide range of security topics, such as injection attacks, cross-site scripting, broken authentication, insecure deserialization, and more. It supports over 50 programming languages and frameworks, including Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, Swift, React, Angular, and more. It also allows customisation of the challenges to suit the specific needs and goals of each organisation.

Why should you use Secure Code Warrior?

Secure Code Warrior has many benefits for both organisations and developers. Here are some of them:

  • It helps organisations reduce the risk of security breaches and comply with industry standards and regulations.
  • It helps organisations save time and money by preventing security bugs from reaching production and avoiding costly remediation.
  • It helps organisations attract and retain talent by providing a fun and engaging way to learn and improve security skills.
  • It helps developers enhance their career prospects by demonstrating their security expertise and credentials.
  • It helps developers increase their confidence and satisfaction by solving real-world problems and mastering new skills.

How can you get started with Secure Code Warrior?

If you are interested in trying out Secure Code Warrior for yourself or your organisation, you can sign up for a free trial on their website. You can also watch a demo video or read some customer testimonials to see how Secure Code Warrior has helped other organisations improve their security posture.

Secure Code Warrior is a platform that will change how companies identify, use and train security talent in their development communities. It is a fun and effective way to measure, benchmark and improve secure coding skills of both in­house and outsourced developers. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your development community with Secure Code Warrior!

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