Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the main greenhouse gases that contributes to global warming and climate change. CO2 is also a pollutant that affects indoor air quality and human health.

According to the World Health Organization, indoor air pollution is responsible for about 4.3 million deaths every year, and can cause or worsen respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, allergies and asthma. Moreover, CO2 can also reduce cognitive performance, productivity and well-being of people who work or live in indoor environments.
Carbon Reform is a startup that is tackling these problems with a novel solution: the Carbon Capsule. The Carbon Capsule is a modular device that captures CO2, improves indoor air quality, and saves energy in commercial buildings. Carbon Reform was founded in early 2020 on the pillars of health, climate, and equity. In this blog post, we will explore how Carbon Reform is creating a healthier, greener and fairer future with its innovative features and benefits.
The Carbon Capsule captures CO2 from indoor air
One of the main features of the Carbon Capsule is its ability to capture CO2 from indoor air using a proprietary technology based on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). MOFs are porous materials that can selectively adsorb CO2 molecules from the air, while letting other gases pass through.
The Carbon Capsule uses a fan to draw in indoor air, and passes it through a cartridge filled with MOFs. The MOFs capture the CO2 molecules and store them in their pores, while releasing clean air back into the room. The Carbon Capsule can capture up to 10 kg of CO2 per day, which is equivalent to the amount emitted by two cars.
The Carbon Capsule improves indoor air quality and human health
Another feature of the Carbon Capsule is its ability to improve indoor air quality and human health by reducing the CO2 concentration and increasing the oxygen level in the room. High CO2 concentration can cause symptoms such as headache, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea and difficulty in concentrating.
Low oxygen level can also impair cognitive functions such as memory, attention, decision making and problem solving. The Carbon Capsule can lower the CO2 concentration and raise the oxygen level in the room to optimal ranges that enhance human health and performance. The Carbon Capsule can also monitor and display the CO2 concentration and oxygen level in real time using a digital screen.
The Carbon Capsule saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Another feature of the Carbon Capsule is its ability to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing the ventilation system in commercial buildings. Ventilation systems are designed to bring fresh outdoor air into indoor spaces to dilute the pollutants and maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity. However, ventilation systems also consume a lot of energy and emit a lot of CO2 by heating or cooling the outdoor air.
The Carbon Capsule can reduce the need for ventilation by capturing the CO2 from indoor air and releasing clean air back into the room. The Carbon Capsule can also communicate with the ventilation system via a smart controller and adjust the airflow rate according to the CO2 concentration and occupancy level in the room. The Carbon Capsule can save up to 40% of energy consumption and CO2 emissions from ventilation systems.
Carbon Reform is creating a healthier, greener and fairer future
Carbon Reform is not only creating a technology, but also a vision for a healthier, greener and fairer future. Carbon Reform believes that everyone deserves to breathe clean and fresh air, and that everyone can contribute to fighting climate change and reducing carbon footprint. Carbon Reform also believes that everyone should have access to opportunities and benefits from innovation and entrepreneurship.
That is why Carbon Reform is bringing an equitable future to antiquated industries which need environmental and social upgrades. Carbon Reform is working with various partners and stakeholders, such as building owners, managers, tenants, workers, investors, suppliers and regulators, to create value and impact for all. Carbon Reform is also committed to diversity, inclusion and empowerment of its team, customers and community.
Carbon Reform is a startup that is building the Carbon Capsule, a modular device that captures CO2, improves indoor air quality, and saves energy in commercial buildings. Carbon Reform was founded in early 2020 on the pillars of health, climate, and equity. Carbon Reform is developing a technology to lower buildings’ carbon footprint, decrease energy costs, and improve indoor air quality. Carbon Reform is also creating a vision for a healthier, greener and fairer future.
If you are interested in learning more about Carbon Reform, or want to request a demo, please visit their website.
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