AI quality is a crucial aspect of developing and deploying AI models that are robust, reliable, and ethical. However, ensuring AI quality is not an easy task. It requires collaboration between AI and business teams, compliance with emerging AI regulations and standards, and rigorous evaluation and testing of AI models.

That’s why we created Giskard, the first collaborative and open-source quality assurance platform for AI models. Giskard helps AI and business teams work together to assess and improve the quality of their AI models, using a variety of metrics and tools. Giskard also helps organizations align their AI models with the upcoming AI regulations and standards, such as the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act or the IEEE’s Ethically Aligned Design.

Giskard was founded in 2021 by a team of AI experts and enthusiasts, who saw the need for a platform that could simplify and streamline the AI quality process. Since then, we have grown to become an emerging leader in the new market of AI quality, serving dozens of AI teams across industries, both at enterprise companies and startups.

We are proud to announce that we have recently raised our first round of 1.5 million euros, led by Elaia, with participation from Bessemer Venture Partners and notable angel investors. This fundraising will enable us to accelerate our growth, expand our team, and enhance our platform with new features and integrations. You can read more about this fundraising visit there website.

We are on a mission to make AI quality accessible and affordable for everyone. We believe that by empowering AI teams with a collaborative and open-source platform, we can help them build better AI models that are trustworthy, fair, and beneficial for society.

How does Giskard help AI teams comply with the upcoming AI regulations and standards?

Giskard helps AI teams comply with the upcoming AI regulations and standards in two main ways:

  • First, Giskard provides a comprehensive set of metrics and tools to measure and improve the quality of AI models, such as accuracy, fairness, robustness, explainability, and transparency. These metrics and tools are aligned with the principles and requirements of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act and the IEEE’s Ethically Aligned Design, which are expected to become the global standards for AI quality in the near future.
  • Second, Giskard enables AI teams to document and report their AI quality process and results, using a standardized and auditable format. This helps AI teams demonstrate their compliance with the AI regulations and standards, and increase their accountability and trustworthiness. Giskard also allows AI teams to share and collaborate on their AI quality projects, using an open-source platform that fosters transparency and innovation.

Thank you for your support and interest in Giskard. Together, we can make AI quality a reality!

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