Genome engineering is the process of modifying the DNA of living organisms to achieve desired outcomes, such as curing diseases, enhancing traits, or creating new functions. Genome engineering has the potential to transform the fields of medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, and more.

Genome engineering isn’t simple. It requires advanced tools, skills, and resources that are often hard to get or too costly for most researchers and developers. That’s why Synthego was created: to change genome engineering technology and make it easy to use and affordable for everyone.

Synthego is a company that works with genes. They use smart machines, automation, and gene editing to create systems for big science projects. Synthego’s systems include special equipment, computer programs, science data, chemical stuff, and biology things. These systems help with basic research, checking if targets are good, and testing new treatments in hospitals.

Synthego’s goal is to make it easy for scientists to do research in life science. They want to help scientists from the beginning to the end of their projects by giving them special genome engineering tools that work fast. Synthego also wants to use computers to help with research, making it go faster and giving scientists new ideas.

In simple words, Synthego’s mission is to make it easy and fast for scientists to work with genes, and their vision is to use computers to speed up research and make it better.

One of Synthego’s key technologies is CRISPR, a powerful gene editing tool that can precisely cut and edit DNA sequences in any organism. CRISPR has opened up new possibilities for creating novel therapies and cures for various diseases, such as cancer, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and more.

Synthego is at the forefront of innovation in the field of CRISPR-based medicines. The company offers a range of products and services that help researchers and developers design, optimize, execute, and analyze CRISPR experiments at scale.

Some of the features that Synthego provides are:

  • CRISPR design: Synthego’s CRISPR design tool allows users to easily design CRISPR guides and experiments for any gene or genome. It also provides predictive analytics and optimization suggestions based on machine learning models.
  • CRISPR kits: Synthego’s CRISPR kits include everything users need to perform CRISPR experiments in their own labs. The kits contain high-quality synthetic guide RNAs, Cas enzymes, delivery reagents, and protocols.
  • Engineered cells: Synthego’s engineered cells are ready-to-use cell lines that have been modified using CRISPR to introduce specific genetic changes. The engineered cells are validated for quality and functionality and can be used for various applications.
  • Cell engineering services: Synthego’s cell engineering services offer custom solutions for users who need complex or large-scale cell engineering projects. The services include project consultation, design optimization, cell engineering execution, quality control, and data analysis.
  • Genome editing analysis: Synthego’s genome editing analysis tool allows users to measure the efficiency and outcomes of their CRISPR experiments. It also provides comprehensive reports and visualizations of the editing results.

Synthego’s technologies have been cited in hundreds of peer-reviewed publications and utilized by thousands of commercial and academic researchers and therapeutic drug developers. Synthego has also partnered with leading biopharmaceutical companies and institutions to advance the development of CRISPR-based medicines.

Recently, Synthego announced that it has raised $200 million in a Series D funding round led by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The funding will help Synthego expand its global reach, scale its operations, and accelerate its product development.

Synthego was founded by two brothers who were inspired by their experience working at SpaceX and NASA. They wanted to apply their engineering skills and passion to create a positive impact on humanity through biology. Today, Synthego’s team includes former employees of organizations like SpaceX and NASA, as well as experienced veterans in the biotech, manufacturing, and hi-tech industries.

Synthego is always looking for multi-disciplinary visionaries who have completed awesome projects and can convert ideas into reality. If you are interested in joining Synthego’s team or learning more about their products and services, you can visit their website.

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